We don't like to go on about it, but every so often it is helpful to be reminded of things...!
We do not receive a wage from Wycliffe.
We are only able to be involved in the work of translation, literacy, education and development with marginalised people around the world because individuals like you partner with us financially.
It doesn't have to be a lot, but committing to regularly support us makes it possible for us to continue in our work knowing that we have the resources we need. It is easy to do, just click here to set up a regular gift securely through the Wycliffe site.
And, of course, it's not just about finances. Whilst we need the money to live as a family and to do the work, the fact that people commit to partner with us financially helps to remind us that we are not doing this alone. We are all on the same side, part of the same team, heading for the same goal!
And what is that goal? Changed lives. Here's a short video that does a great job of showing what a change that really can be!