Have you ever seen children sit so still? At a dark outdoor meeting with only the glow of the stage lights, this image was captured at a ridiculously slow shutter of 1/8 of a second. But these mesmerised kids didn’t budge an inch. Every year on May Day weekend hundreds of Christians who live throughout the top end of Australia come to the outback town of Katherine to fellowship together. Making camp in the shade, they study the word by day and share items of music and dance by night. Over this weekend in 2011 I met and interviewed many inspirational Aboriginal Christians. I listened to stories of men who’d given up alcohol, women committed to witnessing Christ in their community, and teenagers who read their Kriol Bible every day. I rejoiced to see God at work.
Click here to meet Marlene, a leader in her community at Ngukurr.
Click here to meet Marlene, a leader in her community at Ngukurr.
Photo & Words: Elyse Patten
This is the latest in a short series of blogs from other sources across Wycliffe, 'showcasing' the huge range of impact our work helps to bring about. As we come towards the end of another year, we hope it reminds and encourages you of the connections, sometimes clear and sometimes very fuzzy, between what we are doing and the lives of real peoples all over the world. MW